Tuesday, October 18, 2011


THE CENSUS. The completion of the compilation of the census of the population of the districts of Wanganui and Patea, has been delayed by the sessions of the Supreme Court, but we are now able, through the courtesy of the Resident Magistrate, to furnish the grand totals for the different sub-districts. The arrangements of our local enumerator have provided, with a little additional labor, details, which though not necessary for the Government purposes, will be of the greatest use to the local bodies in particular the Highway Boards as, in addition to the census of population returns which we annex, the returns of agricultural statistics are in the course of completion, and will be separated for each sub-district in a similar manner, and published- for the guidance and satisfaction of the local bodies, in a few days. The population of the Borough, is, as already stated, 1,906 males, 1,737 females total 3,613, which with 13 men employed on the waters of the harbor on the day of the taking of the census, makes- a grand total of 3,656 for the Borough. In the Borough there are 809 buildings, of which 36 are uninhabited, la the Wanganui Highway District there are 833 males, 644 females, making a total of 1,477 of buildings there are 271 inhabited, 20 uninhabited, and 3 in course of erection, making a total of 296. In the Wanganui and Waifcotara Highway District there are 084 males, 4?8 females, making a total of 1,172. Inhabited buildings 212, uninhabited 17, in course of erection 4 j total 233. In that part of the Patea County, in the Wanganui electoral district, there are 823 male 3, 626 females, making a total of 1,446. Buildings, 274 inhabited, 13 uninhabited, and 3 in course of* erection total 290. The grand totals then for the Wanganui electoral district are as follows Males 4,259, females 3,495 total 7,754, and buildings 1,681. That part of the Patea County, in Egmont electoral district, contains 940 males, 586 females total 1,526. Buildings, 336 inhabited, 6 uninhabited, 6 in course o£ erection, making a total of 343. In these totals the half-caste 9, Chinese, and Maori wives, who altogether do not number more than 26 in the Wanganui electoral district, are not included. The grand totals for the Wanganui and Patea census districts are as follows: Males 5,199, females 4,081 total 9,280. and buildings 1,970. For the detailed particulars we have to thank the enumerator, to whose labor the elaborate statements of the population of the different districts is entirely due, the Government merely requiring the totals of the two electoral districts. Upon the results of the census we shall have more to say at a future date. Wanganui Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 3115, 30 April 1878, Page 2

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