The Chinese Benefactor.
The most remarkable personality in the establishment of dairying in
Taranaki, as indeed of the Dominion, was.a little Chinese genfleman,
Chew Chong. It was he who built
the first dairy factory^and provided the struggling settler with his
first means of making a cash transaction in having created a market for
the fungus found in the bush and facetiously known as Taranaki "wool,"
Chew Chong was no ordinary
Chinaman. Though not a mandarin, nor of the educated class, he well
merited the high esteem in which he was held by all classes because of
his high principles and generous instincts. To the first-settlers who
faced the wilderness with determination and hope as their only capital
the little Chinese pedlar (a buyer of old iron in the first place) came
as a general benefactor. In his wanderings he recognised the fungus
growing on the tawa, pukutea and mahoe trees as something similar to an.
edible fungus greatly prized in his country as a vegetable. With that
keen foresight which always distinguished him, he decided to establish a
trade in it with his native land. A trial shipment was made, and the
venture at once proved a success. It is difficult at this distance to
realise what the work of Chew Chong
meant to the pioneer dairymen of Taranaki. When he commenced to
purchase fungus the settlers lived by a system of barter. Fourpenee a
pound" was a high price for the butter they produced. The storekeeper
accepted the butter in exchange for stores, milled it and shipped it
Home in a salted condition in kegs as ordinary cargo. It was a matter of
great difficulty to obtain sufficient cash to meet the annual rates
levied by the local bodies, amounting generally to 5s or 7s 6d. It was
not till they were paid spot cash for their fungus that the settlers
knew the delightful sound of the clinking of coin of the realm. The
trade in Taranaki "wool" rapidly developed until one year, about 1885,
the export of fungus amounted to. £72,000, more than the total value of
butter shipped from the province. This important means of revenue was a
Godsend to many a settler, for the price of butter had fallen to about
threepence a potmd at that time, and but for the fungus many a family
would have had ruin staring them in the face. It was in the year 1868
that Chew Chong commenced buying fungus. For four years the Customs authorities of China kept no account of the amount imported, but when Chew Chong was in China later he was informed that from 1872 to 1904 the imports were valued at £375,000.
«as were the services rendered to the Taranaki pioneer by the establishment of a trade in fungus, which was all
profit, costing nothing to produce and being chiefly collected by the
children, it was the part played by the Chinese storekeeper in
establishing the'factory system of butter manufacture for which he is
principally remembered. In 1870 Chew Chong
settled in New Plymouth and established a store, other stores being
subsequently opened at Eltham and Inglewood. His main, sphere of
I was at Eltham, for it was there that he became-the
pioneer of the dairy factory movement in the Taranaki province. In
erecting a dairy factory Chew Chong
took a risky step, for it was a matter of great difficulty to procure a
competent butter-maker,in those days. The refrigerator was unknown,
control of temperature, an essential feature in the modern factory being
thus impossible; separators were crude affairs, transport was difficult
and costly, and the butter had to be shipped abroad as ordinary cargo.
However, he was a man of exceptional enterprise, and having been
approached by the settlers with whom he was doing business he entered
into the work in a bold manner. Perhaps the best indication of the
up-to-date nature of his enterprise may be gained from the following
description of the factory given by the first Government dairy
instructor in 1888:—'' Chew Chong's
factory: This is one of the best factories I have visited. The
machinery is good and in first-class condition, and'everything about it
is thoroughly clean. The machinery is driven by a water-wheel. There are
two Danish cream separators, each capable of putting through 150
gallons of milk per hour; one box churn capable of churning half a ton
of butter at once, and a lever butter-worker. The water-wheel is inside
the lower* part of the building. The butter when churned is taken to a
space between the wheel and the outside wall to be made up. When the
wheel is in motion it causes a current of cool air in the place,
throwing at the same time a spray of water in the air, which assists to
cool it in hot weather, a method invaluable for buttermaking. The
building of a tunnel to bring the water to the wheel and plant cost over
It is told by old settlers, as an instance of Chew Chong
versatility, that the contractors for the tunnel were on the point of
throwing up the work, as they could make no progress, when Chew Chong
went into the tunnel and showed them how to go about it. It was in 1887
that the factory established a notable period for the industry. Being
the year of Queen Victoria's Jubilee, Chew Chong
named his factory "The Jubilee" and registered the word "Jubilee" as
the brand of his butter. It was a success from its initiation,
notwithstanding the difficulties which had to be faced.
first year suppliers could only be paid 2d a gallon for the milk, but
the following year 3d a gallon was paid. The first shipment of factory
butter realised 24s a cwt. more than did the milled butter shipped by
Chew Chong at the same time.
The cost of marketing was expensive in those days. Roads were bad, and
railage freights were high. To rail butter to Wellington cost £3 4s per
ton. The butter Chew Chong
turned out was of high quality for the period, and he gained the leading
awards at the South Seas Exhibition at Dunedin in 1889, including a
silver cup
presented by Messrs. A. and T. Burt. The history of Chew Chong
was that of many another proprietary pioneer in the industry. When the
wave of co-operative dairying carried all before it he struggled gamely
for a time, but finally had to close the doors of his factory and three
creameries, having failed to persuade the co-operators to take them
over, with the result that his buildings and plant, which cost £3700,
did not realise £400. Chew Chong
calculated that he lost £7000 in the dairying business, for during the
last five years his factory was in existence he had to pay very high
prices to retain suppliers. Though his" services have not attracted the
attention of the outside world, there is not a man of long experience in
Taranaki who does not hold him in high regard and honour him for the
great part he played in the development of the province. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLII, 5 July 1923, Page 15
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