(From Our Own Correspondent). Ine annual meeting of the Manaia
Association Football Club was held in the Manaia Municipal Fire Brigade
fetation last evening, when there wns a very large attendance of members
and Visiting members Present. Mr J. Hatcher president; presided.
Before commencing the business of the evening the chairman spoke very
feelingly o t the death of one of the Manaia Club's worthy members and
player, and of flic very sad circumstances in connection with his death i
He refened to tlie late Mr E. Williams who was accklently drowned at
Roupoi konui recently, and moved that a vote ot sympathy be passed .to
the relatives lof the deceased, which was carried, all present standing
in silence. The chairman read the following se j port of the club for
the year 1923 I have to report a fairly satisfactory year for the
club's first year, both financially and otherwise. Although we were
not successful m winning the C«P' we made a good bid tor it, nid with a
little more luck, combined w;rh S practice, and t i better understanding
of each other's play, we hope to be .successful m bringing the cup to
Manaia this year. 1 also wish to mention tlat wo were very fortunate
during the rast season regarding the expenses m-.uiied on the players
for travelling, vhich considering the distances, were cry reasonable,
so let us hope we mny be ?u fof t.unat» this year. On lie.'iaif of the
club, I wish to mention that we are indebted to all the ladies ana
members of the Manaia Hockey Club, wno so willingly gave iLeir
assistance ay our I annual ball; also to the Press for fheir courtesy in
the matter of publishing reports of matches and teams. The
balance-sheet showed lereipt* totalling £27 19s 9d, including donations
£8 15s 6d, and subscriptions £12 1/s 6d. After meeting all xpenses,
theie was v credit balance of £6 18s Officers were elected as follows:—-
President, Mr. A. Stephen/son; vicepresidents, same as last year, with
the following names added: G. Watts G Stephenson, J. Horton, F. Oobb,' G
Cook, C. Nielson, O. Jones and C. S. Chong; executive committee, Messrs
J. O'Connor, W. Vincent, W. J. Mc- Mahon, J. Thatcher, L. Parsons, and
the captain and secretary; auditor Mr. V. H. Hobday; delegates to the
association, Messrs. Parsons, Thatcher and D. Betteridge; selectors,
Messrs. G. Edwards, J. Thatcher and J. 0. Leary. The matter of
appointing a captain was left for March 1. The following new members
were nominated: Messrs. W. J. McMahon, J. O. Leary, J. Damon, H. Putt,
Tai Damon, S. Blair, W. Vincent, G. Watts, Nona Bobinson, C. Denmen, R.
Roberts, G. Stephenson, G Clarke, E. Sutton, A. Stephenson, G. White, T.
Leary, J. Cosgrove, F. Redman, A. Coffey, R. Lock, J. Horton. W.
Badley, S. Greaves. Secretary and treasurer, Mr. TV. J. McMahon;
assistant secretary, Mr. W. Budd. It was resolved, on the motion of
Messrs. J. 0. Leary and S. Blair, that two teams be nominated for the
sevona-side tournament to be held at Manaia on April 5. Messrs. R.
Muggeridge, G. Edwards and J. Thatcher were appointed delegates to
attend the sports club meeting to be held eext Tuesday night in the Town
Hall. It was resolved that the Manaia Club send a team to Oeo to play a
friendly match with Auroa as a curtain-raiser for the Oeo sports,
subject to arrangements being made. It was resolved that the secretary
write to other clubs in South Taraonaki re appointing a referee in each
case for the tournament at Manaia on April 5. The subscription was fixed
at 7s 6d per member. The sum of £1 was voted to tho secretary, who had
worked well for the club since its inception. j Mr. G. Cook, tailor,
offered to donate a pair of trousers valued at £3 for the best improved
player, or whatever the committee decided on. —A hearty vote of thanks
was accorded to the donor. Votes of thanks were accorded to Mr. V. H.
Hobday (auditor), the Fire Brigade for use of the station meeting room,
to Mr. G. Mitchell for his valuable services as referee, to Mr. G.
Stephenson (who presented the club' with a soccer ball, to the press
and all who asissted the club last year. Hawera & Normanby Star,
Volume XLIV, 20 March 1924, Page 4
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