Tuesday, May 6, 2014

On Thursday afternoon there was a large gathering of friends and well'wishers in fSp Mary's Churqh to witness the manage of Miss Amy Chong, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Chong, to Mr Walter Wilkes. The Rev. F. G. Evans, the vicar, officiated. For many years Miss Chong had been a member of the choir, and the service was fully choral, Mr A. E. Fletcher being the organist. Choir members also showed their appreciation of Miss Chong by decorating the., church with arum lilies. The bride,, was attired in a dress of soft white silk, the skirt being made with a panel of chiffon, the bodice having a transparent yoke, and trimmed with orange blossoms md chiffon roses. She also wore a wreath of orange blossoms /and a ;ulle veil, and carried a prayer-book, bound in white. The bridesmaids were 'Miss Mauid Chong and Miss Ethel Wilkes (sister of the bride groom). They were dressed in white silk dresses, trimmed with chiffon, and green chiffon. sashes and hats to match. Their bouquets were of yellow azaleas and crinoline crocuses, with trailers of white clematis. wore a gold brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr Little acted as best man, arid Mr Wild as groomsman. Mrs Chong mother of the bride wore a dress of heliotrope brocaded .silk, with black hat relieved! "with heliotrope; Mrs Raymond(Wairarapa), aunt of the bride, wore a cream embroidered voile and black frat. At a reception, held at the home of the bride's parents, the main toast was proposed by the Rev. F.-G. Evans. The presents were numerous. Mr and Mrs Wiikes left for Wanganui in the .afternoon on their honeymoon. The bride's traveling dress was of stylish grey tweed, with facings of' white satin, and a pretty pink chiffon hat.
Taranaki Herald, Volume LIV, Issue 13281, 28 September 1906, Page 6

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