Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Chinese are getting along. At Wanganui on Monday Ah Wong, who is described as "a youthful-looking and diminutive Chinaman," was charged on three informations viz., using threatening behaviour in the public street on Saturday evening last, of resisting the police, and of using obscene language. The accused pleaded guilty to the two first charges, and not guilty to the other. The evidence showed that Ah Wong chased Ronald McGregor with a knife. McGregor, who had given evidence some time before in a bottle stealing case preferred against Ah Wong, didn't wait for any further introduction, but fled from the vicinity of the Fountain, through the Rutland Hotel, and into Ridgway-street. Mr J. Day, a Court official (who was once in charge of the Waitara police precincts), heard the row, and rushing up he tackled the Chinaman, and took the knife from him. The witnesses said that "the language used by Ah Wong was disgusting." On the charge of obscene language Ah Wong was given fourteen days. Tee consideration of the other two charges was deferred. Taranaki Herald, Volume XLIX, Issue 11677, 12 February 1901, Page 2

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